And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that
1 And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.
2 And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?
3 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.
4 And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.
5 And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord stood by.
6 And the angel of the Lord protested unto Joshua, saying.
7 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.
8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.
9 For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
10 In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall ye call every man his neighbour under the vine and under the fig tree.
In one God, eternally existent in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
In the absolute deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His substitutionary and atoning death for all through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory to judge the living and the dead;
In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is empowered to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ;
In the divine inspiration of all 66 books of the Old and New Testaments as originally given, guaranteeing their infallibility, entire trustworthiness, and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct;
That all people are sinners and cannot save themselves. Salvation is received as a free gift of God’s grace, apart from works, through repentance and personal faith in the redemptive work of Christ and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit;
In the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the eternal blessedness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost;
In the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ who are thus members of His Body, the Church, whose work is the worship of God, perfecting the saints, and evangelization of the world.
And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that
And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle: for the south side southward there shall be hangings for the